Book News: March 15, 2012
These are book-related tweets, many to do with urban fantasy, fantasy, and sf, that I made over a period of time, all brought together (and cleaned up a little).
March 15: See this toot about Nicole Murphy’s urban fantasy series Dream of Asarlai. Sounds interesting.
March 15: Interesting blog post by Maurice Broaddus about “the urban in urban fantasy.”
March 14: Cool! Nearly an hour-long video with Patricia Briggs & Kim Harrison.
March 14: Three urban fantasy books coming in April that look interesting, plus a contest thru 3/14.
February 28: Check out this interesting interview with Caitlin Kittredge, author of steampunk The Nightmare Garden.
February 28: This dystopian ya book sounds really good!
February 16: Cool Valentine’s post with Cassi Carver, incl giveaway thru Feb 25.
February 16: Mortal Instruments movie news.