Educational and Interesting Podcast Sites
Found an interesting post on podcasts being put out by universities, and another list of college podcasts here. In addition to the sites they lists, I also found several more universities that are now putting out podcasts. Here’s are some of them:
University Channel at Princeton University
Podcasts at Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change
Stanford ITunes
Purdue University
Webcast Berkeley
Vanderbilt Podcasts
Carleton University Television
UCLA Webcasts
Yale University Podcasts
University of Sydney Podcasts
University of Virginia Podcasts and Webcasts
There are many more lists at these sites: Peterson’s List of College Podcasts, The Education Podcast Network, and Educational Podcasts.
There are some other interesting podcasts to be found at these sites:
Religious Podcasts
Kolbe Podcasts
Podcasts from Odyssey, The Fantasy Writing Workshop
World Talk Radio